This cooler was once solid black, with a Harley Davidson logo on the front. Could you possibly imagine me carrying that to a party? So off came the logo, on went the paint, a damnit all if I didn’t have to replace the zipper! Luckily I had a big pink one handy. The cooler was free, the paint and zipper were in my stash.
Clearly we are always ready for a party with this thing! A corkscrew / bottle opener lives in the front pocket. We fill it with ice packs and it does a pretty good job with temperature control.
The original purpose of this cooler was for Burning Man, to carry on my bike or on our art car, the Sensatron. Since 2013, it’s also come on numerous trips around, and was perfect for bike riding at the beach for Independence Day.
It’s a little worn after accompanying us on so many adventures, but still looks good.