Tag Archives: burning man




I’ve had a lot of fun coming up with names for this design, and now I’m stuck between Ravey Crockett and Cheshire Hat. You can call yours whatever you like if you buy one from my Etsy.

Ravey Crockett Cheshire Cat Hat, made by Julianne Ravey Crockett Cheshire Cat Hat, made by Julianne

Ravey Crockett Cheshire Cat Hat, made by Julianne Ravey Crockett Cheshire Cat Hat, made by Julianne  Ravey Crockett Cheshire Cat Hat, made by Julianne

My husband Jason took so many excellent photos! Of course I also made the leggings and sequin shirt with the snaggle-tooth fringe.

Ravey Crockett Cheshire Cat Hat, made by Julianne

Burning Man is basically tomorrow. Lots of fun stuff to sew between now and then!




Tickets for Burning Man go on sale today! But only if you’re part of the directed sales for theme camps, which I am, so yay!

I’ve had several customers who give a zipper mask to their first-timer friends, which seems like a lovely way to welcome someone into a new and bizarre experience. Most of these masks are already listed in my Etsy shop, or I am happy to create a custom mask.

zipper mask, made by Julianne

zipper mask, made by Julianne

zipper mask, made by Julianne

zipper mask, made by Julianne   zipper mask, made by Julianne zipper mask, made by Julianne   zipper mask, made by Julianne

zipper mask, made by Julianne


see y’all on the flipside


Well, it’s that time again. I’m off to Burning Man!Burning Man prep, made by Julianne

I don’t know any better way to say it than this: thank you. I have had so many great encounters with new clients and old clients; I’ve been given so many opportunities to deliver work and service that I am truly proud of; I have pushed myself so hard and so long, and while I’m mostly exhausted at this point I also have next month’s rent paid, and am looking forward to my little break.

If you see me at Burning Man, please say hello! Last year I met several blog readers and online customers on the playa, and it’s one of the most unexpected and rewarding experiences I’ve had at Burning Man.


I spend a lot of time on the Sensatron. My camp is Post Nuclear Family and we’re placed around 4:20 & E.  I’ll also be hosting a workshop at the New Orleans CORE project in the Souk. On Wednesday from 2-4, I’ll be teaching how to make fabric necklaces.

See you on the playa!

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