Tag Archives: burning man




I’ve been working like a rhinestone zombie. So much sewing to be done! Some of it is Burning Man related, but much of it is just other small jobs for other clients, not really interesting enough to blog about. I’m leaving for the playa in 6 days and I haven’t had a chance to do any prep work. Eep! So I’ll let this post be mostly images, because my brain ain’t so good at processing words lately.

This was one of my favorite projects in a long time. Nando is a very playful and sweet guy, and he wanted to bling out his plain peacock-blue matador jacket. Obviously this was right up my alley (which is where these pictures were taken, appropriately).

Catador jacket, made by Julianne

Catador jacket, made by Julianne

I just loved this project. It was so much fun to work on, and he was so pleasant to work with. It was an ideal project.

Catador jacket, made by Julianne

I made the cat heat using some fabrics we picked out together, some fabrics from my stash, and that heat-fusible bond paper stuff (I told you I’m not good with words).

Catador jacket, made by Julianne

The epaulet is constructed from that awesome silver vinyl applique, a red velvet pad, and orange tassel trim.

Catador jacket, made by Julianne

I made a cat toy necklace from some of the leftover trims.

Catador jacket, made by Julianne

I also made him a set of booty shorts, complete with crotch gusset, out of the copper kitty fabric, but apparently I didn’t give Nando enough rum to model them in my alley.

Catador jacket, made by Julianne

Catador jacket, made by Julianne

If you see Nando on the playa, tell him you recognize him from the internet!




This cooler was once solid black, with a Harley Davidson logo on the front. Could you possibly imagine me carrying that to a party? So off came the logo, on went the paint, a damnit all if I didn’t have to replace the zipper! Luckily I had a big pink one handy. The cooler was free, the paint and zipper were in my stash.

painted cooler, made by JulianneClearly we are always ready for a party with this thing! A corkscrew / bottle opener lives in the front pocket. We fill it with ice packs and it does a pretty good job with temperature control.

painted cooler, made by JulianneThe original purpose of this cooler was for Burning Man, to carry on my bike or on our art car, the Sensatron. Since 2013, it’s also come on numerous trips around, and was perfect for bike riding at the beach for Independence Day.

painted cooler, made by Julianne

painted cooler, made by Julianne It’s a little worn after accompanying us on so many adventures, but still looks good.




Nothing’s cooler than a black light, especially when you might already be losing your mind for whatever reason, and so I created a collection of zipper masks for just such an occasion. These materials were carefully selected for an awesome neon experience.

You can check out these zipper masks in my Etsy shop. If your heart is set on a design that’s already sold, contact me about a custom order!

 neon zipper mask, made by Julianne

neon zipper mask, made by Julianne

Burning Man is held out in the desert, on a prehistoric lakebed. The ground is covered in a powder-like dust and strong winds off the mountains can create dust storms, possibly leading to whiteout conditions. It’s essential to be prepared and carry some sort of respiratory shield, and there’s nothing more fabulous than a zipper mask!

These masks are sewn by hand, and each one is a unique combination of fabrics. Clearly I love playing with colors, and I love making these!

neon zipper mask, made by Julianne neon zipper mask, made by Julianne neon zipper mask, made by Julianne

neon zipper mask, made by Julianne

neon zipper mask, made by Julianne neon zipper mask, made by Julianne

I created this mask custom for a friend. She’s totally got the personality of a puppy who loves to chase a neon party.

neon zipper mask, made by Julianne

I really love the elements of this mask that don’t glow. It’s positive and negative space, in light!

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