



My wonderful vintage giraffe blouse is on the front page of BurdaStyle this weekend!

Now that it’s getting some press, I’ll reveal that whenever I wear this blouse, in my head I’m constantly singing a song about baby giraffes going out for ice cream. The words and melody change with every imaginary performance, but that’s the secret theme.

vintage giraffe blouse on Burda, made by Julianne

This is my first time on the homepage of Burda, and I’m so excited! It was selected for an inspiration feature on ‘Beautiful Blouses,’ along with some lovely other creations! I’ve been thinking about making a new button-up (or button-down?) with a different vintage fabric that I’ve been hanging onto since 2008, so now I’m definitely inspired.

You can see the blouse on Burda, or with more words and pictures on this blog. It was a great little surprise to discover this morning, and now I know what I’m going to wear today (assuming I ever change out of my bathrobe, yes I’m wearing it now, yes I’m tempted to wear it to buy lighters at the liquor store and get quarters from the laundromat).




I had a tiny bit of yarn left over from my first rainbow sack, so I decided it continue the momentum and use it as the base of another grocery bag.

knit rainbow grocery bag, made by Julianne Continue reading →

I followed the hex bag pattern pretty exactly, except at the handles. I decided to make two handles to more evenly distribute the stress, since the white yarn is a little thin. I think the mesh pattern for this bag (YO, k2tog for one row, k next row) creates a stronger netting that works well with this yarn.

knit rainbow bag, made by Julianne

The white yarn came from the Boys and Girls Club stash. I think it’s sport weight, and definitely acrylic.

knit rainbow grocery bag, made by Julianne knit rainbow bag, made by Julianne

Damn, I love the rainbow yarn in a garter stitch! I want wallpaper that looks like that. Can anyone recommend some great garter stitch patterns to take advantage of those gorgeous colors? If I make a garment, I will invest in a nicer fiber.

I’m half-heartedly working on my third bag right now. I’ve realized that knitting with larger needles bores me; but when I’ve got size 7 or smaller in my hands I get so jazzed as seeing the yarn slooooowly turn into fabric. It’s ironic that chunky knits are supposed to be quick projects, but since I’m not excited to work on them it takes me forever (I’m sure I will revisit this statement halfway through my first sweater).

knit rainbow grocery bag, made by Julianne

Let me tell you, the cashiers and baggers in LA love my rainbow grocery bags. I’ve gotten most compliments from teenage boys. They just love the knitting, and the colors. LOVE IT.

knit sock, made by Julianne

In other knitting news, I’ve started my first pair of socks! It’s using a vintage wool/nylon blend and Liat Gatt’s charming instructions. This is one of the reasons I learned to knit, and I’m thrilled to be accomplishing this goal. However, my needle is too big (my yarn is sport and the pattern is written for worsted), and there are holes all over the sock. I know that in the end, I will be happier if I start over with smaller needles. It’s just a little sad to actually frog my precious sock, but that’s what must be done.




What’s a weekend without new lounge wear?

Mad Men vintage psychedelic bathrobe, made by Julianne

Mad Men Challenge #2

Although I’ve never participated in a challenge before, I was immediately jazzed about Julia Bobbin’s Mad Men Challenge. And although I’ve always been in love with the show’s costumes (especially after reading the ultimate Bitchy Kittens Tom and Lorenzo), the period clothing is mostly not my style. However. I had a amazing pattern from my Grandma, and gorgeous vintage cotton from Hawaii (a gift from my step-sister-in-law Ilaan), and damn if I’m not a sucker for over the top lounge wear.

You better believe I’m designing pajamas to coordinate. Who’s coming over for brunch? This robe is begging for champagne cocktails.

Mad Men vintage psychedelic bathrobe, made by Julianne Continue reading →

I don’t actually smoke, but I love all the scenes with Betty hanging around her house, chain smoking and drinking wine all day. Hilarity. All the ladies have such amazing wardrobes, including their bathrobes. In fact, I think every main female character has appeared on screen in a robe at this point!

Mad Men vintage psychedelic bathrobe, made by Julianne

My design combines two luscious bathrobes from the finale of season 5, called The Phantom. Appearing first is drunk Megan’s psychedelic robe, which has the same large flowers and neon colors as my fabric.

Mad Men s05e13Mad Men s05e13

Trudy’s robe has the frilliness of my pattern. I’d been planning on adding an organza ruffle with contrasting rolled hem, but while my sample looked amazing it was not very soft against my skin. So I have 7 yards of neon pink 5″ wide bias strips waiting for another project…

Mad Men s05e13

Mad Men s05e13

Butterick 3770, made by Julianne

I used Butterick 3770; although I couldn’t find an exact date I know it’s from the 60s. I received this pattern after my grandma died, almost a year ago. Knowing that she cut the pattern and made it for herself was a great connection, and reminded me of the wonderfully frilly dresses she would make for my birthdays. The night that I finished the construction, I dreamed that she was holding my hand throughout all my sleepy-time adventures, and it was a pretty great feeling that lasted all of the next day.

I didn’t make any adjustments to the pattern (except the placement of the belt casing and using 4 buttons instead of 5). The arms are a little high, but that seems to be the style and I didn’t want to mess with it. I finished the seams with my serger, but I may come back with some bias tape. If I were to make this robe again (and had more fabric) I would make the skirt a little more flared in the back, to emphasize the cape.

Although I certainly don’t need another robe, I want to make 5 more of these in every wild silky fabric I can find.

Mad Men vintage psychedelic bathrobe, made by Julianne Mad Men vintage psychedelic bathrobe, made by Julianne

Like so many of my projects nowadays, nearly all the materials came from my stash. The only purchase for this robe were 1/3 yd pink satin for the tie and button coverings, 6 yd pink lace, and blue ribbon binding the ruffle, for a total of $8. I had JUST. ENOUGH. FABRIC. In fact, one of the front facings had to be cut separately, because I chose to cut the back as a single piece (I was not loving the very obvious center back seam that the pattern called for).

Mad Men vintage psychedelic bathrobe, made by Julianne Mad Men vintage psychedelic bathrobe, made by Julianne

I love that the shorter version of this robe is called “street length,” so that became the inspiration for this photo shoot.

Mad Men vintage psychedelic bathrobe, made by Julianne

Ah, I wish I didn’t have to actually work today. I’d much rather drink strawberry margaritas, eat egg rolls, and watch movies on the couch all day. But I might wear this to a potluck tonight.

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