Categotry Archives: sewing




I actually made this vest a while back, but have only just recently been able to get pictures! But I think I’ve got my situation set up so that I’ll be able to photograph myself fairly often. I have a whole pile of leggings that I haven’t been able to post yet!

I love the amount of crazy in this vest. Giraffe-print linen, the loop trim, pink paisley lining!

giraffe vest

It’s from a self-drafted pattern, and named after my friend who inspired the original. All the fabrics have been pre-shrunk, and they are also all natural.

giraffe vest giraffe vest

This picture really makes me realize how much I need a haircut. I got my timing all messed up, so I’m going to wait another 3 weeks before I get it done. And that way I will still have awesome hair for the wedding!

I really love the shaping of this, the way it shows off your waist is pretty sexy. For now, this one-and-only vest is in the Etsy shop! That’s right, there will not and cannot be another of these.




Two months until the wedding and I’ve been super busy trying to finish the million little projects that surround me.

dupioni tee

dupioni tee

My grandma’s coma also had me paralyzed, and her peaceful death also released me. I woke up at 3AM to take the phone call from my dad, and between the sadness and logistics of that day managed to also make this blouse.

My grandma gave me (and each of my cousins) a string of pearls and set of studs as a high school graduation gift. Most of us had our strands at the funeral, and the two cousins who didn’t have them wore my grandma’s own pearls. It was a beautiful symbol of our connection to her and to each other.

dupioni tee

All the fabrics are washed silk dupioni remnants. I’m so pleased with the colors; they remind me of a circus while still complimenting the milky pearls.

dupioni tee

I drafted the pattern myself; it’s a woven tee shirt (inspired by Jen at Grainline of course). I’m really pleased with the fit, via bust darts and a center back seam, and that I’m able to easily pull the shirt over my head without needing a zipper. I’ve used the same pattern (with a zipper) to make a radically different top, but you’ll have to be patient for that.

dupioni tee

Contrast bias binding is always so luscious. And I do love the teal and chartreuse threads. You can’t quite see them in these photos, but trust me, they’re there.

It was extremely powerful to transform my grief into action, to embody all the feelings I had into a beautiful object that paid tribute to my grandmother’s life and her role in mine.

dupioni tee dupioni tee

classy ladiness

As Jason pointed out, classy ladiness is hereditary. I’d never seen this photograph before arriving at the wake, and I absolutely love it.

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