If you want to look this innocent, why not buy a mask? You’ll get away with ever so much mischief.
You guys, I sit in my alley against this wall and take pictures of myself wearing all these masks. Since I’m not wearing glasses during that time, I have no idea what the neighbors’ faces look like.
Check out these fabulous vintage patterns I won in Melissa’s giveaway on Scavenger Hunt. This was my first time winning a blog contest. Thank you so much Melissa!
These two are my particular favorites:
The dress will definitely have to wait until September, but that apron could be pretty rad around camp at Burning Man. I have so many projects in the works, for myself and clients, that I don’t think it will be happening. But I do have some outrageous yellow and green Hawaiian fabric… Silver bodysuit comes first though!
Most of my client work right now isn’t even Burning Man related, and half of it is covered by NDA and the other half is technically boring, as far as blog posts go. So heads up, don’t expect a ton of updates between now and September.