Tag Archives: pants




I had these pants for about a year, and never really wore them because they were so tight! I was told that they looked OK, but they were not comfortable. I don’t know why it took me so long to get around to adding in the side panels, but now they fit me great!

making skinny pants fatter

I actually unstitched the side seams (rather than cutting at the seam) and then added the 2.5″ wide strip of scrap jersey. This left a gap in the waistband, which I covered with this blue elastic I had lying around. Now I don’t ever need to wear a belt with these pants, because they are tight enough in the waistband but as comfortable as sweatpants!

H&M pants before making skinny pants fatter

Not only were the additional fabrics random pieces finally used from my stash, but they made these pants much more wearable. I’ve since given this treatment to other pants for a few friends.

new striped hood new striped hood

In the same vein, I added a new hood to this shirt I always wear. And yet I don’t have a ‘before’ shot… I got it at Forever 21 about 5 years ago. It’s made from French terry and very comfortable, but the original hood was completely useless, and showed a lot of chest. I copied this hood from a thrifted Old Navy shirt. Basically this post is completely debunking the rumor that I never buy clothes.

Stash busting + improving store-bought clothes = win




I didn’t give a damn when these were trendy, but I really like genie pants for Burning Man. They’re comfortable for lounging and look great while dancing. I can also layer leggings underneath for chilly nights, and you can’t beat that!

silver genie pants striped genie pants

I made the pattern myself. Each leg is a single piece, and the un-gathered waist is about 8 feet wide. I prefer the more gathered look of the silver pants, which were my second pair. It’s a very easy design to make!

The silver is a very slinky lycra that I’ve used for lots of projects and costumes this summer. The aqua and green stripe is a cottom jersey. Both fabrics were picked up months ago at Fabric Planet.

silver genie pants striped genie pants

The waistband can be pulled up high, or slouched down around the hips. The leg bands can also be pulled up to my calves, making the leg pouf out more. Pouffy legs!

silver genie pants striped genie pants

Jason also has a pair of the striped pants, as seen on the playa (with the Sensatron in the background!). He took this picture in a curved mirror.

genie pants at Burning Man

It was a great outfit for dancing at sunrise. Now to make that gray sweatshirt more fabulous!

genie pants at Burning Man

I will definitely be making more of these for next year on the playa–this might replace leggings as my wardrobe staple for Burning Man. In fact, I’ve already picked up some pink and gray striped jersey for the next pair.

stripe fabric

I’ve created a tutorial if you’d like to make your own.




Yippie ki-yay y’all, we’re off to the Glitter Rainbow Rodeo!

rainbow fringe leggings

rainbow fringe

Obviously it was hard to pick just a few photos! Jason is a great photographer! But I think the two above are my favorite.

rainbow fringe rainbow fringe leggings

rainbow fringe leggings rainbow fringe leggings

rainbow eyes I don’t think I need to even say it, but this is my most favorite outfit ever. If you’re coming to Lightning in a Bottle keep your eyes out for the rainbow mess that is me. Complete with rainbow eyelashes! Whenever Jason goes away on a business trip without me, he brings back fabulous makeup things.

rainbow fringe waist

These pants are perfect for dancing cowboys or Indians! They’re disco-tastic, super comfortable, and make me feel absolutely awesome. Seriously, you cannot stand still if you’re wearing these leggings.

Some people are afraid of tight metallic pants, but I’ve always felt like they glossed over parts of my body that I’m less comfortable with. From my experiences at Burning Man, I get more attention (from men and women, sexual and just plain awesome) with glittery fabric stretched over my body than when I’m completely nude. Which all adds up to say that you don’t have to have a perfect body to look perfect in metallic lycra.

I think this is my favorite waistband yet. It’s super comfortable and super sexy. Yeehaw!

rainbow fringe leggings

I used a very stretchy silver lycra for the pants. The fringe is made from 5/8″ strips of foldover elastic, which comes in a million bright colors and has a great flow to it. The ends are all seared to prevent the elastic from fraying at all. The gold strip isn’t really functional, but I think it gives a nice fly attitude to the leggings.

As usual, all the materials came from Fabric Planet. As for the inspiration, there’s no telling where I get this stuff from.

I’ll definitely be using this same technique to make different color schemes. In the meantime, go ahead and order a pair on Etsy!

Of course I made everything else in the outfit too (except the amazing pinwheel), but you’ll have to wait a couple weeks till I have all that posted as well.

rainbow eyes rainbow pinwheel disco ladybug

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