Not only is Fluevog an excellent design line, they’re also a cool company to work for. My friend Tanaya runs their French Quarter store, and commissioned a dress for their company retreat costume party in Canada this summer. The theme for the party was Moonrise Kingdom, and Tanaya already had the perfect Fluevog saddle shoes for a Suzy look, as well as a designer friend who loves all Wes Anderson movies.
Rather than taking a cosplay approach to the retro Suzy look I decided to design a dress to compliment the shoes while still fitting into the film’s aesthetic. Why follow someone else’s design when I can make my own?
What a cutie! Another concern for this design was that the dress be versatile enough to fit into her regular wardrobe. Of course I drafted the simple pattern myself.
The fabrics are all from Joann. The blue polyester has great texture and a little bit of stretch. I layered ivory knit lace over black satin and obviously had fun playing with the pattern layout. The zipper is a vintage metal one from my stash for that authentic touch.
We didn’t win the costume contest but I’m satisfied that my mission was accomplished!Now that I’ve broken the seal maybe I’ll do better about posting more projects. Happy New Year!