Tag Archives: costume




I guess I’m still recovering from Mardi Gras, or maybe it never ended this year. Golden God of Krewe du LEWD, made by Julianne

One of the key players in my 2016 Mardi Gras work was LEWD co-captain Drew. Not only did he help me connect with the Krewe, he also ordered his own custom costume. He was smitten by Malcolm McDowell’s fresh little outfit, and I knew I could up the ante Mardi Gras style.



Drew’s costume consisted of the gold shirt and pant layers, gold tunic, snap-on silver cape, sword skirt, and the laurel wreath made from fleur de lis. Quite a kit! I try to make each piece interchangeable, so that instead of being a particular costume, it’s part of an overall costume wardrobe. Cause we like to party, and the party is always weirder when there are costumes!

Golden God of Krewe du LEWD, made by Julianne

Complimentary and independent couple costume (see shots of Lady LEWD here). I’ve had so much fun with this gang since Mardi Gras!

made by Julianne

My favorite part of this costume was the sword skirt. I glued Mardi Gras beads onto felt-backed glitter foam, and the proportions and placement makes me laugh every time.

Check out more LEWD photos on Where Y’at!


LADY LEWD Mardi Gras costume


The plan was to head back to California in early January, but luckily plans aren’t forever. Through the help of many friends, I was able to stay in my city and contribute my own art to my favorite time of year.

I landed a dream gig designing costumes for LEWD, a sub-krewe of Krewe du Vieux (considered the start of parade season and a spectacle of weird and raunchy satire). For KdV’s 30th year, the theme was XXX and my group’s float was CaliguNOLA (or: The Fall of the NOLAn Empire). Over three weeks and an inconvenient illness, I designed and sewed nine costumes for that parade. I was working around the clock, even called in my crafty lovelies Maria and Patrick for last-minute help, and was hot gluing LED wreaths at the Den as the parade gathered. It was exhausting and exhilarating, and I can’t wait to do it again.

One of my favorite creations for the parade is Lady LEWD, a Medusa / Godiva hybrid with a thrilling laugh and a lot of sass.



The gold spandex bodysuit has sparkly pink nipples and a luxurious bush, and is topped with a sheer red sequin gown. This hot momma decorated her own mask, and was accompanied by her Golden God of a husband and her delightful snakey sisters. She rocked the night!

snake sisters, Krewe du LEWD

Mardi Gras Medusa, made by JulianneI was working late, recovering from a cold, and having the time of my life.

Thank you to Gus and Jason for getting such great photos. Check out more photos from Krewe du Vieux on Where Y’at! 


Story of the Running Wolf EP release costumes


As soon as I got home from Burning Man this year I got to work! Story of the Running Wolf dropped their new EP, and I design and made a new set of costumes for the release party at V Lounge. These shots from the show were taken by my friend Brian Campeau.Story of the Running Wolf EP release costumes, Made by Julianne

Story of the Running Wolf EP release costumes, Made by Julianne

Story of the Running Wolf EP release costumes, Made by Julianne

Story of the Running Wolf EP release costumes, Made by Julianne Story of the Running Wolf EP release costumes, Made by Julianne Story of the Running Wolf EP release costumes, Made by Julianne Story of the Running Wolf EP release costumes, Made by Julianne Story of the Running Wolf EP release costumes, Made by Julianne

Story of the Running Wolf EP release costumes, Made by Julianne

I shared some progress shots on my Instagram. This was an incredibly labor-intensive project, done over 4 nonstop days. Basically there was a lot of tunnel quiltied lycra lamé.

Story of the Running Wolf EP release costumes, Made by Julianne Story of the Running Wolf EP release costumes, Made by Julianne

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Story of the Running Wolf EP release costumes, Made by Julianne

Story of the Running Wolf EP release costumes, Made by Julianne

Story of the Running Wolf EP release costumes, Made by Julianne

Story of the Running Wolf EP release costumes, Made by Julianne Story of the Running Wolf EP release costumes, Made by Julianne

Story of the Running Wolf EP release costumes, Made by Julianne

As always, they looked amazing! I had a great time at the show, especially hanging out in the green room before they went on.

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