I didn’t give a damn when these were trendy, but I really like genie pants for Burning Man. They’re comfortable for lounging and look great while dancing. I can also layer leggings underneath for chilly nights, and you can’t beat that!
I made the pattern myself. Each leg is a single piece, and the un-gathered waist is about 8 feet wide. I prefer the more gathered look of the silver pants, which were my second pair. It’s a very easy design to make!
The silver is a very slinky lycra that I’ve used for lots of projects and costumes this summer. The aqua and green stripe is a cottom jersey. Both fabrics were picked up months ago at Fabric Planet.
The waistband can be pulled up high, or slouched down around the hips. The leg bands can also be pulled up to my calves, making the leg pouf out more. Pouffy legs!
Jason also has a pair of the striped pants, as seen on the playa (with the Sensatron in the background!). He took this picture in a curved mirror.
It was a great outfit for dancing at sunrise. Now to make that gray sweatshirt more fabulous!
I will definitely be making more of these for next year on the playa–this might replace leggings as my wardrobe staple for Burning Man. In fact, I’ve already picked up some pink and gray striped jersey for the next pair.