In 2008 I’d never even heard of Burning Man. Now it’s completely changed my life!

an ominous sign a giant chicken car watches over an exploding rocket

For me, the biggest effect BM has had on my life is that I met and fell in love with my husband there. Although he’s 17 years older and lived 2,000 miles away, we’ve found a way to be together. We were part of some amazing moments at Burning Man, but we’ve created even more magic since then. In the time since we met we just keep picking up more and more momentum!

love on the playa

Our theme camp is Post Nuclear Family. I’m always working on projects for the Burn, which you can check out here or contact me for any questions and advice.

In 2012 we had our wedding on the playa! You can read about the details of Burning Man wedding planning, check out a playa bride’s dress, or see this alternative to a tux.

Check out some highlights from 2013 in this mini gallery.

rainbow Burning Man wedding, Made by Julianne, photo by Blake Gardner
If you’re heading to the playa and need some cool threads, check out my Etsy shop or contact me about designing your own custom creation. Also, feel free to ask me any questions about the event!