I’m spending the next couple months back in New Orleans! Although I’ve lived in Los Angeles for 6 years, this is my home, and I couldn’t be happier to be back for the winter.


My sewing machines are set up in the studio behind Adorn & Conquer. I’ll be there throughout the week working on favorite products and new designs. You can also come see me at Magazine Art Market at Dat Dog on certain Saturdays and Sundays. Currently I’m booked for markets on 8 November, and 14-15 November.

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To my wonderful Los Angeles clients: Thank you for making 2015 my most productive year ever! I’ve been so busy that I haven’t shared most of my projects on my website yet (a perfect task to do while drinking beers on the porch while I’m in Dixie). I’ll be back on the west coast by the end of January, and am already taking project bookings now. Email me about your project!
