Tag Archives: burning man




Yes, more hoods! I’ve been working on hoods every single day for the past week, which is sometimes tough after 7-9 hours sewing at the store! These hoods are all furry, which is a huge pain in the ass to work with–the fur strands get everywhere. Ooooh, but the finished product is so awesome that it’s worth the hassle!


scary panda! nice panda gangsta panda

I actually made two panda hoods, one lined with black satin and the other lined with very expensive minky dot fabric [all of my fabric is from Fabric Planet of course], but you can’t tell the difference in these pictures. Any hoods made with the white fur is super warm!

pink fur hood pink fur hood pink fur hood

This hot pink fur is so fantastic. It feels like you have a stuffed animal living on your head, which actually makes you feel pretty good. And that green satin is just amazing! I got enough of it to make about 8 more hoods, so you’ll be seeing a lot more of it. This color combo is totally electric, and I think it’s my favorite so far.

disco hood sassy eskimo! pink snow hood

The fur/jersey combo is pretty sweet, and very warm, which was great because it was actually cold and windy when Jason and I took these pictures!

Also don’t you just love the new glasses? I got them for costuming, because sometimes I want to have a different look!




Every year the Jack Rabbit Speaks, the Burning Man newsletter, puts out a resource edition, in which they list suppliers of all sorts of playa necessities. As I was filling out the form to get Fabric Planet listed it occurred to me that I could be listed myself, as a costumer. With a little over a week before the application deadline, I’ve gone into high gear cranking out all these designs I’ve had in my head over the past few months, and the first one to come out was the animal hood.


silky snow cat lame zebracat pink furrr hood

velvet zebra hood zebracat fleece hood silky snow cat

These hoods are great with any outfit, from spicing up a bikini (or your fabulous naked self, not pictured) or keeping your noggin warm during your late night playa adventures. They are made out of a wide variety of fabrics, from velvet, fleece, faux fur, jersey, and lame, all the way to cotton for some light-weight day time shenanigans.

velvet zebra hood silky snow cat zebracat fleece hood

They can even be turned inside out for a different look that’s only slightly more toned down.

I developed the pattern myself. It’s pretty straightforward and didn’t have to go through too many drafts. There are bits and pieces inspired by various projects I’ve worked over the past few months, and my favorite part is the cascading ruffle down the front. This can be tied in a bow, tossed over the shoulders, or left to just hang down, and any way it looks awesome.

silky snow cat velvet zebra hood pink furrr hood

I’m trying to really mix and match with the fabric pairings with the idea that no combination will be repeated, unless requested by a customer. I have a tendency to use the last 3 yards of a fabric so that I’m always making end of the run garments, and a few of these are made from remnant materials so that they are ultra one-of-a-kind. This winds up taking more time per-piece than if I made 10 of each combo, but I think the fun and spontaneity of these hoods is worth the work.

zebracat fleece hood velvet zebra hood

made by julianne tags! Although I can make just about any style of ear, so far these are all kitties. I feel like the pointed ear is feisty, and it can go with other animals (fox, cat, kitten, tiger…). Plus, who wouldn’t want to draw whiskers on their cheeks and meow for a saucer of almond milk all night?!

I ordered woven labels and they arrived just in time for this big project. If I had known what a rush I’d get from seeing these sewn into the things I make I would have ordered them a long time ago! And I think they really do give these hoods an official look.

Check out what hoods I have available in my Etsy shop. I’ll be making lots more hoods this weekend (my life is covered in fur). Also, I can also do custom orders for specific fabrics!

pink furrr hood

Thanks be to Jason for the fantastic photoshoot, great direction, and silly hijinx in the alley!




Oh my, how I love this new pink bodysuit! It’s the only complete costume I made for Burning Man 2010 (all other costumes had their debuts elsewhere). You bet your ass I listened to a lot of Bowie while making this.

pink tux pink tux pink tux

These pictures were all taken at a Burner Halloween party in downtown LA, with Jason as an exterminator and Cosmo as a space bunny (I made Cosmo’s suit as well). I’m totally impressed that Jason was able to get pictures this good in a dark alley!

Julianne and Jason Julianne and Cosmo

Unfortunately all the supplies for this suit were purchased new, but on the bright side it was less than $25! The fabric is from Joann’s, while most of the trimmings are courtesy of Fabric Planet. It was an incredible amount of pinning to get everything laid out correctly! The thick gold braid was sewn on with my machine (and strategically placed to offer bust support), while the gold ribbon was sewn and glued.

pink tux cummberbund pink tux bowtie pink tux

There’s an invisible zipper down the front, which is made even more invisible by the gold ribbon with the star buttons on either side. I flip-flopped between a rainbow or a simpler color scheme, which explains the multicolored trim for the shirtfront shirring. The gold sequin bowtie was a very timely arrival at Fabric Planet, and my friend Maria Fomich made the nuclear reflector pin for Burning Man.

I love how the cummerbund turned out! It’s a fuchsia sequin chain applique and matching rhinestones on ruched gold lycra. There was an incredible amount of engineering involved in that. I had to negotiate the shortest possible zipper length, because I didn’t want the belt split completely  but I still needed to take the suit off easily. I tried to make the design dynamic but not distracting from the rest of the costume. Another goal was that I hoped the carefully placed decoration would hide some slight belly bulge, and I’m very satisfied with that.

In addition to looking fabulous, this bodysuit is also very comfortable. Originally I cut out the torso a bit too short, and so I had a definite camel toe that was mentally and physically uncomfortable. A diamond-shaped insert at the crotch took care of the tightness, and now I’m right as rain with full range of motion.

pink epaullettes gold tophat The epaulets weren’t part of my design but they were too perfect to pass up. I painted the brass circles with some magenta acrylic paint and added a dab of glitter nail polish and they fit right in.

The gold top hat was made out of cardboard to go with the costume, because I simply couldn’t go out without a top hat! Now all I need is a cane. That lights up and shoots lazers.

gold tophat

Yep, then I’ll be all set!

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