As Burning Man draws near, I start making zipper dust masks. It’s as seasonal as baby polar bears learning to catch seals for the first time.
19 May 2013 by
19 May 2013 by
As Burning Man draws near, I start making zipper dust masks. It’s as seasonal as baby polar bears learning to catch seals for the first time.
great photo! and your dusk mast goes well with your fancy dressing gown!
My grandma would be so happy.
oh. my. GAH.
oh my GAG is more like it, amirite?
YESSSSS! pure genius.
Thanks! I make about 100 each year, and since they are all the same concept I don’t post most of them on my webpage, just the Etsy shop. I really love making them!
É, realmente também tentei inserindo isso e não deu.Tentei com isso:<img id="wpmlc_flag_595_us" class="wpmlc_flag_595_us" srpgq&uot;wp-content/plugins/wc-multi-language-chan=er/flags/us.gif" onClick="wpmlc_show_lang('wpmlc_text_595_us', 'wpmlc_text_595_', 'wpmlc_flag_595_us', 'wpmlc_flag_595');" style="border: 3px solid #FFFFFF;"foi quase ;s